About us


  1. Responsible for the testing, qualification, and magnetic characterization of components, magnets and devices for the CERN accelerator complex and experimental areas; development and maintenance of online monitoring systems (B-trains) for the operation of the CERN LHC injector chain, AD and ELENA;
  2. Magnetic measurement and analysis of SC magnets for HL-LHC at various stages of production at CERN and at partner institutes; magnetic measurements of NC magnets for CERN’s accelerators; measurements in support of projects at partner institutes and of approved physics experiments at CERN;
  3. Operation, maintenance and upgrade of the SM18 cryogenic-test stations and of the laboratories for magnetic measurements (311 and 867); contribution to development and operation of test and measurement facilities at partner institutes;
  4. Development and maintenance of transducers, measurement systems, as well as novel data acquisition/processing and diagnostic techniques for various magnet types, configurations, and operation scenarios;
  5. Performance analysis of components and magnet systems installed in the CERN accelerator complex and experimental areas; coordination of development and maintenance of software for magnet design and analysis, and for data acquisition and storage at the SM18 test stations and measurement laboratories.


Maintaining a safe and healthy environment at work is a top priority for CERN and the TM Section. All the Safety files for our main Buildings/laboratories are available in EDMS in the following links: for Building 311, Building 867, and Building 2173 (SM18). Some additional Safety Information Documents are available here.

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Recommended Bibliography & Sources

You can have an introduction to the topic of Magnets and Magnetic Measurements for Accelerators using the following sources: