T&M status and requests

You can follow up magnet tests in SM18 via the online tool SM18-Carpenter

Magnetic measurements requests can be followed up as work orders via EAM light. A summary of the status of the work orders is available here.


SM18 Test Dashboard

Horizontal Planning

Vertical Workload

WP3 and LHC

Test and measurement requests

If you need to use the services of our section, we kindly ask you to submit a test or magnetic measurement (MM) request using the links below.

In addition, if a measurement of a non-radioactive magnet in building 867 is foreseen, the form "Demande de derogation" has to be filled in and approved by the hierarchy. You can find this form by clicking here.

Supporting information

If you need some help using EAM Light, we have some documentation available for our users:

If you have any further problems or questions, please do not hesitate to contact the MM Support Team.

If you need some help using Carpenter, you can find a series of video tutorials in this link. If you have other questions, or you cannot access the page, please contact the Carpenter Support Team.